Author: Momula Shashank

IntroductionWhat is Redux?Redux is a library for managing and centralizing the state of application in javascript. The state refers to the data that determines how a user interface (UI) looks and behave at any given time. Centralizing the state means storing all the application’s state in a single location, typically called the “Store”, which makes it easier to manage, debug, and maintain. By using Redux, developers can ensure that the state remains consistent and predictable across the entire application, even as it grows in complexity.Why Use Redux?Predictability: Redux makes it easier to understand how your application’s state changes over time.Centralized…

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Have you ever wondered why React is so fast and efficient, the answer lies in a magical process called reconciliation.By the end, you’ll clearly understand why React is too fast.What is Reconciliation in React?Reconciliation is a process in React that helps it update the user interface efficiently. Whenever something changes in your app, like the data or state, React needs to update the web page to reflect those changes. Instead of reloading the entire page, React uses reconciliation to make just the necessary updates, saving time and resources.Reconciliation is also known as React Fiber, which is the reimplementation of React’s…

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