Author: Anush Narayanan

const cart = [“shoes”, “pant”, “kurta”]; const orderId = “12345”; const accountId = “someId001”; let walletBalance = “1000”; function createOrder(orderId) {  returnnewPromise((resolve, reject) => {  setTimeout(() => {  console.log(`OrderId : ${orderId} Created`);  resolve(orderId);  }, 5000);  }); } function proceedToPayment(orderId) {  returnnewPromise((resolve, reject) => {  setTimeout(() => {  console.log(`Payment processed for Order Id: ${orderId}`);  resolve(orderId); }, 1000); }); } function showOrderSummary(orderId) {  returnnewPromise((resolve) => {  console.log(`order summary for ${orderId} is ${cart.join(“, “)}`);  resolve(orderId);  }); } function updateWallet(userAccountId) {  returnnewPromise((resolve) => {  constcost=800; // just assume that the total cost is 800rs  walletBalance-=cost;  console.log(`total amount left in the wallet is : ${walletBalance}…

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Hi, this is the solution for the homework question asked that is using only reduce to give the o/p of the first names of the people whose age is. < 30: const arr = [ { firstname: “Akshay”, age: 26 }, { firstname: “Donald”, age: 56 }, { firstname: “deepika”, age: 26 }, ]; const op = arr.reduce(function (acc, curr) { if (curr.age < 30) { acc.push(curr.firstname); } return acc; }, []); // we pass empty array as the inital value as accumulator and then push the firstnames whose age < 30 console.log(op); -> link to the video. Thanks,…

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Hi all, I also figured out another way out to write the code for printing 1,2,3,4,5 in 1,2,3,4,5 seconds respectively without using let and only using var. this is regarding EP-11 | setTimeout + closures interview questions ( ). i have given the code below, kindly let me know if this could be considered as an another solution since it was giving me the correct output. function altSol(){ for (var i = 1;i<=5; i++){ setTimeout(function (i){ console.log(i); }(i),i*1000); } } altSol();

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