Author: Ankit Mittal

Is your website struggling with slow load times? A valuable tip to enhance your site’s performance is to lazy-load your external packages, components, and routes. Implementing lazy-loading can bring two significant benefits: reducing your initial bundle size and improving your site’s performance during the initial load. Why Lazy-Load External Packages? Whenever you use external packages like React-Intersection-Observer or Chart.js in your project, it’s crucial to lazy-load these packages. Here’s why: Lazy-Load Interactive Components Interactive components, such as those that appear after a button click or hover, should also be lazy-loaded. For example, consider a Modal component on your homepage that…

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Understanding the Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) Have you ever noticed that when a website loads, the text initially appears in the browser’s default font before switching to the site’s specified font? This phenomenon, known as Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT), can be a jarring experience for users and detracts from the site’s overall polish. Why Does FOUT Happen? FOUT occurs because the browser prioritizes loading other resources over your custom font files. As a result, the custom font is applied only after it has been fully loaded, leading to a noticeable shift from the default font to the custom…

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In the dynamic world of software development, maintaining high code quality and an efficient review process is paramount. In our projects, we’ve implemented a series of practices and tools that have significantly improved our workflow. This blog post shares how I established these steps in my organization to streamline the code review process and maintain code quality, focusing on linting, pre-commit hooks, and a robust pull request (PR) review process.1. Standardizing Code with LintingLinting is a crucial step to ensure that all developers adhere to the same coding standards. By integrating ESLint into our codebase, we can automatically enforce these…

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