🔷 Imagine a child observing their grandparent’s special style of walking. Even after the grandparent leaves, the child remembers and mimics that exact walk, step by step. In JavaScript, closures work similarly.
🔷 A closure is a function that remembers the environment it was created in.
🔷 Just like the child remembers their grandparent’s walk, closures “remember” variables from their outer function—even after the outer function has finished executing.
💎 Why are closures important?
⏩ Closures allow functions to “remember” the environment where they were created.
🔷 This makes them incredibly useful for :
1️⃣ Data privacy : You can create private variables that can’t be accessed directly.
2️⃣ Maintaining state : Closures help retain values across function calls.
3️⃣ Callbacks and event handling : They enable cleaner, more modular code in asynchronous operations.
🔷 In short, closures are a key feature that make JavaScript powerful, enabling us to write efficient asynchronous operations.